Four words that can send shivers up the spine.

The following is a collection of the very finest Redneck ingenuity and WTFŐs.




Redneck moving company.


Custom seating.



Plenty of head room.



Not all Rednecks live in America.



Redneck RV.



Half off!



Headlight repair.



Beach Rednecks.






Take note of the chain safety lock.



Spare tire.



That fixes it!



Oh yeah, that really fixes it.



Did it with materials on hand – didnŐt have to buy nuthin!



You know – since the wheels on the basket swivel – this thing canŐt steer at all.



Note how the clamp is grounded against the negative terminal, too!



As an extra precaution, he put a chock behind the rear wheel.  That oughta do it!



Must be Florida – AC is a must!



Air intake manifold repair.



The guy standing wants his chair back.



One door coupe.






Redneck Mercedes.






Did with materials on hand.



Spare tire.



Nice truck!



Custom tailgate.



Redneck tractor.



How to fix your defroster.